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[NEW] Hacking Private Photo Friendster


In FRIENDSTER, some people can hide some photos that they upload into friendster albums. Usually this photos is private picture or something like secret picture. If we want to see that picture, we must ask permission from the owner..

2 days ago, i found some hacking into this private photo, so we can see private photos from other people friendster account..

The 3 things that you must do to see the private photo is

1. target uid

example : http://www.friendster.com/53349334 41082848 - is target UID ( it's just example, so find your target first )

2. target album id write this address into your addressbar http://www.friendster.com/viewalbums.php?uid="Your target uid here"

example : http://www.friendster.com/viewalbums.php?uid=53349334

Select View - Page Source from the browser menu, and then find "abAlbumPrivacy" near the word private

example : "abAlbumPrivacy-1" -- all you need is the number in the end of word, in this case the number is 1 ( one )

3. Open

http://www.friendster.com/photolist_ajax.php?uid="your target uid here"&a="album privacy id here"&page=0

example : http://www.friendster.com/photolist_ajax.php?uid=53349334&a=1&page=0

You will get result like this..


All you need is "rid":"851208344" -- remember the number "851208344" this is the photo id .

After the three thing finished, go back to the http://www.friendster.com/viewalbums.php?uid=53349334

right click on one of the image that apear, and then choose properties. See under the image properties

location : ....

example : location : http://photos-p.friendster.com/photos/43/39/53349334/1_363513051m.jpg

Copy the url into your address bar, and then replace the name of image with number that you got before..

example : before - http://photos-p.friendster.com/photos/43/39/53349334/1_363513051m.jpg

the name of image is 1_363513051m.jpg, replace 363513051m with "851208344" that you get from "rid":"851208344", so now become 1_851208344.jpg

after - http://photos-p.friendster.com/photos/43/39/53349334/1_851208344.jpg

Now you will see the private photos..^^

NB : if your target have more than one private photos, they must be have more than "rid":"851208344" texts, just search the other number than "851208344" and do the last process in this article again.. Just use your brain.. =p


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